
5 Signs of Peripheral Artery Disease

Have you been dealing with leg pain at night or leg pain in general? While there are many potential underlying causes of leg pain, this is a common sign of peripheral artery disease, which can be serious if left untreated.

But, how do you know if you’re dealing with peripheral artery disease (PAD), or something else? In this guide from Heart of Dixie Vein & Vascular, we review common signs of PAD so you can seek treatment and find relief from symptoms.

What Is Peripheral Artery Disease?

Peripheral artery disease is a common health condition that occurs when the arteries narrow and reduce blood flow to the legs and arms. PAD often impacts the legs and happens when your limbs aren’t receiving enough blood flow, leading to weak legs, pain, and other symptoms.

Peripheral artery disease usually happens because of a build-up of fat deposits in the arteries. Things that increase your risk of developing PAD include living a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, cigarette smoking, having high cholesterol, and having high blood pressure.

Now that you know the basics of this condition, let’s review the common symptoms of PAD.

Sign 1: Coldness In Your Lower Leg Or Foot

If your lower leg or foot feels cold, especially when compared to the other side of your body, this is a telltale sign of peripheral artery disease. If you notice this symptom, it’s a good idea to book an appointment with a vascular specialist.

Sign 2: Muscle Pain & Cramps

Muscle pain and cramps in your leg can have many underlying causes. But, if you’re dealing with persistent aching, cramping, or fatigue that doesn’t have an obvious cause, like exercising, it’s wise to see a doctor.

Sign 3: Numbness Or Weakness In The Leg

Reducing blood flow to your legs can create feelings of numbness and weakness. You may find it difficult to do daily tasks like walking around or completing chores and errands.

Sign 4: Change To Leg Skin Color

Another common symptom of peripheral artery disease is changes to the skin color on the legs. You may notice that your skin looks red, pale or blue in color than it did before because your legs aren’t getting enough blood.

Make An Appointment Today For PAD Treatment

It’s often possible to manage and reduce symptoms of peripheral artery disease through lifestyle changes, such as through exercise and eating healthy.

If you suspect you have peripheral artery disease or any other vein problem, book an appointment at Heart of Dixie Vein & Vascular. Our doctors and healthcare team will diagnose the cause and come up with a treatment plan for you. Call today!

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